You are currently viewing 11 Mar 2021 – A M/T has been boarded by about 9 armed intruders in position, 214nm S of Cotonou

11 Mar 2021 – A M/T has been boarded by about 9 armed intruders in position, 214nm S of Cotonou

WARNING 001/MAR/2021


2. TIME: 11 March 2021 at 1512 UTC.

3. DESCRIPTION: An MT has been boarded by about 9 armed intruders. This event is still ongoing.

4. POSITION: 0248N 00236E (214nml south of Cotonou)

5. SOURCE: Master of Vessel / CSO / Vessels in vicinity/ CH16 Vessels transiting the area are advised to exercise extreme caution



TIME: 12 March 2021 at 08:32 UTC.

DESCRIPTION: The boarders have left the vessel. The vessel is now under escort. The incident is now complete.

POSITION: At 08:32 UTC in posn 02 53 10N- 002 39 53E.

SOURCE: Nigerian C4I Centre.

Source : MDAT-GOG Watchkeeper