You are currently viewing ReCAAP ISC Weekly Report 5-11 December 2017

ReCAAP ISC Weekly Report 5-11 December 2017

Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia


During the period of 5 – 11 Dec 17 , two incidents (comprising one incident of armed robbery against ships , and one piracy incident ) w ere reported to the ReCAAP ISC. The

location of the two incident s is shown in the map below; and detailed description tabulated in attachment.


Update on Royal 16

The ReCAAP Focal Point (Philippines) reported to the ReCAAP ISC that the police authorities discovered the remains of the c aptain of Royal 16 in Jolo, Sulu on 8 Dec 17 . Reportedly , the victim died during the encounter between the military forces and A bu S ayyaf G roup (ASG) in Talipao, Sulu on 7 Sep 17.

Royal 16 was boarded by 10 armed men who abducted its six crew on 11 Nov 16 . On 16 Jun 17, while the government troops were conducting military operations, they successfully rescued one of the abducted crew in Sumipsip, Basilan, Philippines. On 5 Jul 17, the Philippine military found the bodies of another two Royal 16 ’s abducted crew at Sitio Limbutulan, Brgy Tumahubong in Sumisip Basilan. To date, one crew of Royal 16 is still being held in captivity. The above – mentioned updates were published in previous ReCAAP ISC Weekly Reports covering the period of 8 – 14 Nov 16, 13 – 19 Jun 17 , 4 – 10 Jul 17 and 15 – 21 Aug 17 .


The ReCAAP ISC urges ship master and crew to report all incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships to the nearest coastal State and flag State, exercise vigilance and adopt relevant preventive measures taking reference from the Regional Guide to C ounter Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia .

The ReCAAP ISC reiterates its advisory issued via the ReCAAP ISC Incident Alert dated 21 November 2016 to all ships to re – route from the area, where possible. Otherwise, ship masters and crew are str ongly urged to exercise extra vigilance wh ile transiting the Sulu – Celebes Sea and eas tern Sabah region , and

report immediately to the following Centres :


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