MDAT-GoG Weekly Report 14th June – 21st June 2019Post author:SeaGuardianPost published:21-Jun-19Post category:Maritime Security UpdatesUNCLASSIFIED_20190621_MDAT-GoG Weekly Report_25-19Download You Might Also Like MDAT-GoG Weekly Report 11th – 18th November 22 19-Nov-22 EU NAVFOR protecting World Food Programme shipments to Somalia 21-Jun-18 Australian family on dream sailing trip are almost attacked by stalking fleet of PIRATES off the coast of Yemen – only for Japanese and Pakistani warships to come to their rescue 3-Apr-18
Australian family on dream sailing trip are almost attacked by stalking fleet of PIRATES off the coast of Yemen – only for Japanese and Pakistani warships to come to their rescue 3-Apr-18