Charts Q6099 – Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea & Q6111 – Persian Gulf and Arabian SeaPost author:Sea GuardianPost published:8-Jan-18Post category:Maritime Security UpdatesQ6111_A4 Q6099_A4 You Might Also Like 19 Aug 17 – suspicious approach – 20NM West of Oke, Nigeria 19-Aug-17 Anger fuels return of ship attacks Locals say pirate attacks will continue and blame the government in Puntland for granting foreigners fishing permits. 16-Mar-17 ‘Maritime Security, stability prime focus of Indian Navy’: Vice Admiral Girish Luthra 4-Dec-18
Anger fuels return of ship attacks Locals say pirate attacks will continue and blame the government in Puntland for granting foreigners fishing permits. 16-Mar-17