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Two ships robbed near Kandla in few hours

In its weekly report for 9-15 October, ReCAAP ISC informed of three incidents of armed robbery against ships in Asia.  Two of the reported incidents occurred within the wider area of Kandla Port, India, and one in Tarahan Jetty, Indonesia.

The first and actual incident involved the Saudi Arabian-flagged chemical tanker ‘NCC Haiel’. While berthed at Tarahan Jetty, Indonesia, on 11 September. the duty AB on rounds noticed two perpetrators on the deck and he immediately raised the alarm. Upon seeing the alerted crew, the two perpetrators escaped empty-handed.

The second incident concerns the Panamanian-flagged LPG carrier ‘Berlian Ekuator’. While anchored at Kandla Anchorage, India, on 10 October the crew conducted routine check on the deck discovered some unsecured items were missing (3 fire hoses and one lid of fire hydrant).

The third incident involves the Liberian-flagged tanker ‘Gas Odyssey’. While anchored about 11 nm off Tekra Light, Kandla, India, on 11 October, the watch crew found footprints on the main deck portside leading to forecastle and back to manifold area.

Further investigation revealed that two scupper plugs and three cargo reducers were missing, believed to had been cut off with knife. The master suspected two perpetrators had boarded the ship with ladder and took away the items during early hours of 11 October.

The master reported the incident to Indian Coast Guard, Kandla Port Trust and the agent of the ship. The Indian Coast Guard is investigating the incident in coordination with the Marine Police and port authorities of Mundra.

The ReCAAP ISC urges ship master and crew to report all incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships to the nearest coastal State and flag State, exercise vigilance and adopt relevant preventive measures taking reference from the Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia.
