While underway, the Chief Officer on duty detected a small boat alongside the ship. Shortly thereafter, 14 perpetrators armed with knives and machetes boarded the ship.
Upon realizing that the ship did not carry any oil cargo, the perpetrators robbed all the 12 crew (Indonesians and Sri Lankans) of their personal belongings. Two crew were slightly injured in the process.
The MMEA upon receipt information of the incident, immediately deployed its shipKM Sebatik, Agusta Westland AW139 helicopter and the Special T ask and Rescue (STAR) Team to the location of the incident. The team boarded the ship, arrested the 14 perpetrators, and brought them to Mersing Maritime Zone for further investigation.
With the cooperation of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), two suspects believed to be masterminds (aged between 40 to 50) were arrested in Batam, Indonesia on the same day.
Two crew was slightly injured.
The personal belongings of the crew were taken.
Source : ReCAAP